Evermore tells the story of three young adults: Eline, Kodou and Dries. A few years ago each lost a parent to a long-running disease. In the documentary they share how they dealt with that loss and what difficulties they encountered.
Director & Camera / Gilles Van Damme
Director / Anouck Ramaut
Sound / Ynke Herrygers
Edit / Gilles Van Damme & Anouck Ramaut
Director & Camera / Gilles Van Damme
Reporter / Julie Vranckx
Production / Roses Are Blue
From season 2 to season 4 I was a videographer for 1 Year Off. Every year I filmed the portraits of the 16 candidates who participated. In addition, I also filmed and created a few segments that appeared in the quiz. You can now view the portraits of season 4 on VRT MAX!
Director & Camera / Gilles Van Damme
Reporter / Ynke Herrygers
Sound / Jamie Baeyens
Edit / Gilles Van Damme
This short documentary tells Harry's story. At the time of recording, they were in a psychiatry after a suicide attempt. In the documentary, we will look at their mental health and see how Harry reflects on the past few months and looks at their future.
Director / Anouck Ramaut
Camera / Gilles Van Damme
Edit / Gilles Van Damme & Anouck Ramaut
Together with her mum, Yana maintains the Knokmill in Ruiselede. After her grandfather died, both women followed a training to become Miller. This way, they want to keep the memory of the grandfather alive.
Director & Camera & Edit / Gilles Van Damme
Nikki sits in her room during the lockdown and looks back at better times. Looking at her polaroids, she's sucked back into the past. For this school assignment we only got an audio file and had to create and film a story ourselves.
Director & Camera & Edit / Gilles Van Damme
During the lockdown I made a self-portrait about how I celebrated my birthday while being in quarantine. Together with some friends I organized an online Skype party. I made this project all by myself: Film, stand in front of the camera and edit it.
Director / Gilles Van Damme & Anouck Ramaut
Camera / Gilles Van Damme
Edit / Gilles Van Damme & Anouck Ramaut
Production / Hotel Hungaria Beestig.be
During my last year at film school, we got an assignment from Hotel Hungaria (which is a production company) to come up with a new concept for Beestig.be. Together with Anouck Ramaut I made a 5-part series in which we made 4 cooking videos with recipes for pets. In the final part we went to the Poezenboot in Ghent to hand out the food to the asylum kittens.